Rejuvination of Planet Earth

History teaches that about every fifty years, the magnetic core in the center of the Earth moves around a little. When that happens, all the Electron controlled gadgets and gismoes will cease to operate normally. This means that all the Computers, Radios, TV's, Cell phones, Airplanes, Automobiles and just about every man-made objects will not operate normally. The current trend in the weather system, Earthquakes, Tornadoes and all these major changes that is happening around the world, indicates that this situation is underway, and that the Earth is difinately going through changes. The Planet is currently rejuvinating itself.

The Holy Bible

History teaches that the Maccabees were the first people who believed that the Planet Earth was created by a supreme being. At that time, it was thought that the Earth was flat, and if you should go to the edge of the Earth, you would fall off into space and float away. During the time from about one thousand years before Jesus Christ was born, untill the early fifteenth century, there was no firm doctrine. Martin Luther, who was a great reformer, assembled the first Bible that had sixty books, taken from a collection of all the best doctrines that were available. About four hundred years after Martin Luther died, another six was added, to make a grand total of sixty six books.


History teaches that about Forty thousand years ago, there lived a great King whose name was Daniel O'God. This king used to treat his subjects with the best of care, and all the people loved and respected him and he ruled for a long time. When he died, his son became king and he too treated his subjects with great respect and all the people honor and loved him. Since then, the word God was always associated with any person or mythical creature that was seen to have great power and was caring and understanding. So, about ten thousand years ago, the word God became very popular, and then we had several Gods, like God of the sea, God of the Sun, God of love, God of Gods and several other Gods. About six thousand years ago, the Maccabees teaching stated that there is but one God that created the world, and ruled over all things. Then came Moses, and he enhanced this belief.

Tsunami Upheaval

As I watched the tsunami waves devastation on the TV, and on the Internet, with the rest of the world, I felt that I was really moved by the situation. Especially when I think of the fact that it could be anywhere on Planet Earth...and, it could be a lot worse. Living here in Florida, in the good old USA, and pretty much close to the sea coast, it gets a little bit un-nerving. But, not to be outdone, the rest of the world also have their problems Earthquake, Tornadoes, and a whole bunch of other things. Forces of nature that we cannot control. Not to belittle the situation, but about a month ago, I came home one evening to find a whole lot of Ants lying on the kitchen counter top. They were just lying there as if they were dead. There had to be at least a couple of thousand Ants scattered all over the counter top. As I watched, I noticed that there were a few Ants frantically running around, and ever so often, they would stop and tugg on the ones that were laying there, as if to try to wake them up. I was not sure what to do, so I just left them there. In the morning when I woke up, I made my coffee around them, and left. The next evening when I came in, there was probably twice as much Ants lying there. Again I left them there, and after three or four days, I finally had to wash them down the kitchen sink. That made me feel like a killer. Then I wonder, "did all my neighbors have the same experience? and if so, how many Ants died? and why???. Is mother nature cleaning house? and if so, what else will happen???.