Tsunami Upheaval

As I watched the tsunami waves devastation on the TV, and on the Internet, with the rest of the world, I felt that I was really moved by the situation. Especially when I think of the fact that it could be anywhere on Planet Earth...and, it could be a lot worse. Living here in Florida, in the good old USA, and pretty much close to the sea coast, it gets a little bit un-nerving. But, not to be outdone, the rest of the world also have their problems too..like Earthquake, Tornadoes, and a whole bunch of other things. Forces of nature that we cannot control. Not to belittle the situation, but about a month ago, I came home one evening to find a whole lot of Ants lying on the kitchen counter top. They were just lying there as if they were dead. There had to be at least a couple of thousand Ants scattered all over the counter top. As I watched, I noticed that there were a few Ants frantically running around, and ever so often, they would stop and tugg on the ones that were laying there, as if to try to wake them up. I was not sure what to do, so I just left them there. In the morning when I woke up, I made my coffee around them, and left. The next evening when I came in, there was probably twice as much Ants lying there. Again I left them there, and after three or four days, I finally had to wash them down the kitchen sink. That made me feel like a killer. Then I wonder, "did all my neighbors have the same experience? and if so, how many Ants died? and why???. Is mother nature cleaning house? and if so, what else will happen???.