The Missing Link

From as far back in my life time as i can remember, i have always heard stories about "the missing link" that provides a direct continuation between the living creatures on Planet Earth and the God-like creature known as Humans. (Note: that was before the word "Link" became a popular Internet term.)
Personally, i have always believed that there is a direct connection between everything on Planet Earth, counting Rocks, Water and all the Elements, Trees and all living creatures, including Mankind.
Now, i am real excited to see and hear the reaction regarding this Fossil that is being displayed and being called "The Missing Link". This and many other Fossils were unearthed about Twenty Years ago, but the Scientists needed all this time to try to figure out just what kind of a creature this really is.
In my humble opinion, it si as clear as the Nose on your face that this and all other creatures are directly related, no matter how one chooses to frame it.
Every single creature on Planet Earth has to consume another living creature, counting rocks and trees, to generate energy to continue being a living creature. No one can deny or argue with that fact. A living creature that does not consume another creature will surely die.